Why We Broke up With Our Loved Ones

In today's world about 75% people are in a relationship and the other 24% wants to be in one. But neither one of them are happy. No, not because they are with the wrong partner but most of them don't know what to do in a relationship, what it really means to be in one. And because of that they broke up with their partner and start seeing someone else. But there also, they face the same problem. Cause all they are doing is escaping from the core problem and instead of solving it, they are putting it in somewhere else. Every relationship at the beginning is great, both of them think that they are meant to be together, they spend great time together, create memories. But after few months all fall apart. Both of them just wanna get rid of the other one.

The Problem

So let see what the problem really is. What you think? Is the problem inside the other person or in you! Whenever I talked with someone about this topic they always told me that they want this and that and those from their partner and also not getting what they expect in that relationship. Few want time, some others want more Date in a five star restaurant and rest of others don't even know what they actually want, why they aren't happy even when they are with someone they've always dreamed of.

Actually the problem isn't in the other person but within us. Most of us want to be in a relationship cause we think, we are incomplete without a partner, so to live the life completely we depends on some other person, in a hope that they'll complete us. We give up on our dreams and aspirations. We even stop dreaming, all we care about is if we are able to make our partner happy all the time. I'm not saying we shouldn't but there's a limit for that. We shouldn't turn the responsibility of our life to someone else. And when they turn us down no matter what the reason is without listening to them we start judging them. And get depressed thinking that we deserve someone better. We never ask ourselves that if we can be a better person. Cause in the world full of opportunities everything to us is a choice. We've forgot the meaning of commitment.

The Solution

But it's not like the things which can't be changed. With persistence, patience and self introspection everything is possible in this world.

But in order to achieve such mental stability you have to habituate yourself with yourself, you have to enjoy your own company and thoughts. Loneliness isn't that lonely as most of us think. It help the mind to breath free. Doesn't mean you have to broke up. Firstly, You just have to give your partner the space they need. Don't forget that they are also an individual and unique person. They have the right to live as they want, don't interfere into their personal time. And also don't compromise your personal time with any other thing. Secondly, don't force them or expect them to do what you want. Your likings might get common sometimes but as two different individual most of the time they shouldn't be. So, learn to accept the difference. Thirdly, Don't misinterpret the fights into break ups. There is no kind of relationship in the world exist where people don't fight with each other. The more close the relationship is the more we fight because of much more little things. This isn't something to run from. Cause this little romantic fights are what makes the relationship strong.

A little jealousy, possessiveness is good for the relationship. Just don't exceed the level of tolerance of the other person, cause after that level they might feel it annoying. And lastly, tell the person how much you love them, everyday. Cause no one knows when it'll be over.

Picture source : Googlemedicarepharmabusinessindeksonline


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