What Is It Means to Be An Entrepreneur
In the world of inaction, under delivering and over promising everyone seems to call themselves an entrepreneur. But an entrepreneur isn't defined by what others say about them, they are made up of hard work and dedication. They work hard while all others are out partying, they hustle door to door while others are on a vacation, they stay awake in the nights while others are sleeping, they save money and finalize their next move while others are spending on liabilities.
An entrepreneur is someone who never call himself an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is someone who is willing to give up all his comfort in order to achieve his dreams. They might pass through hard times when no one believes them, no one truest them, no one is willing to stand by their side, even without any money left in the bank. Life might take away all what he got, time might slap them hard and make them fall. But one thing no one can take away from them is what they have inside of them. The courage to go against everyone, the tolerance to with stand every set back, the mind set to get up again and the attitude to fight back every single time life knock them down.
They don't rely on the fame, money or social recognition, they devote their entire life in learning new things and experimenting. They seek knowledge and all they want is to make the world a better place.
Picture source : www.pexels.com
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