The Source of Depression

In today's world most of the population is experiencing a new mental disease, being sad for no reason. If you ask someone how they are feeling, they won't be able to answer. Cause they don't know what they are feeling. And also sad because they don't have what their friends have, even sometimes not having what they wants to have. This is the problem of the new generation. In the world of internet we are connected with the world but not with ourselves, we like or dislike someone by a single swipe of finger but we don't like ourselves. We scroll down FB news feed for hours but don't spend a single second with our own thoughts. We all wants to earn Millions of money but don't want to work for it. We hate our jobs but still doing it. Basically, we priorities money, fame, so called cool stuff instead of our own dreams. We all are looking for happiness in the outside world, while it's all within us.

What makes us depressed

Depression have only one source. Which is, not living as you want to. When we live by others choice, the decisions we make are influenced by others, that's when we start hating what we do. We all wants to live by our own rules. But don't, why! Because may be the way we are thinking of will lead us to failures, may be what others are saying is right for us, may be in the future we'll be able to do that, may be we don't have that capability to do that, may be, may be and may be. This two simple word "may be" change the way we live our life.

We give up on our dreams and start living by the standards set by others. We start believing that we aren't meant to achieve greatness in life. Those people who achieved greatness, have something different in them. And these thoughts slowly, day by day makes us weak, stagnant. And one day we forgot our dreams, and start living life as every other one. We don't get depressed because we failed, no. Most of us are depressed because we never tried.

How to overcome

Depressionis a state of mind, not a hole in the heart, it can be overcome. All you need to do is to live by yourself.

  1. First, ask yourself what you wants to do, rather love to. It might be singing, sketching, playing FIFA, reading books. Most of us are too busy with life that we don't have time for ourselves. Don't do that find sometime every week or everyday according to your schedule to do that thing what makes you happy. If you love reading then read one page a day, or sketch a cartoon back of your note book while you get bored. Most of thought that we aren't going to be rich by doing these stuff then why waste time. Well you shouldn't do these to be rich but to be connected with yourself.
  2. Second, stop using social media too much. Social Media is a great platform to stay connected with our friends and family but excessive use of it, is what we all are doing. We open it for checking and don't even realize when hours pass by. And then we realize how much time we have wasted. So don't just click on to the next video on YouTube take a break before you go to the next video, lock the phone for 2 min and then watch the other video. I'm pretty sure most of the time you won't feel to.
  3. Just do, what you love to. Don't limit yourself for others opinion about you, or in fear of failures, or because of lack of experience or because of anything. Don't blame anything or anyone, you are solely responsible for the life you live. No other person is going to change your life. You have to take plan and take the actions to achieve your dreams.

And if you start doing what you wants to, if you start living by your dreams, if you listen only to your heart not your feelings, without thinking about the opinion of others. Nothing will come to your way.

Related article : why we get depressedhow depression ruined my relationshipovercome depression

Picture source : everyday healthhercampusovercome depression


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