How To Earn Money Online

Standing in era of internet earning money earning money is never that easy before. There are plenty of websites through which you can earn a decent amount of money sitting on your home. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop or a smartphone. And most importantly you need no money, so basically you can start your online entrepreneurial journey with a zero investments and the hights you can achieve is limitless. Many people who started their journey as a blogger or YouTuber have quited their 9 to 5 job and doing it professionally. In this blog I'm going to discuss the ways and opportunities by which you can also do the same and make yourself free from the orders of your boss and live your dream life.
There are many ways to earn money online but in this blog I'm going to discuss the most popular ways, which are :

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In the time of YouTube it's little old school but till today blogging is the most effective way to earn. After posting 10 to 11 topics turn on Google AdSence and others similar AdSences. But don't just copy and paste others content, Google have a very integrated searching technique to take you down. If you do so your ad account for that email might get blocked for forever. Try to write on your own. And even if you post someone else's content give them credit. Other than that you can also earn by Affiliate marketing, means you can provide link to the products and when someone buy through your link you get a decent commission on that. And also by promoting other websites or product. And most importantly you can sell your own product if you have one to your viewers, and no more to say that you can earn from it.


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In today's world most of us have a smartphone and our favorite pass time is to scrolling our social feed or watching videos on YouTube. You might not know that many students across the world, employees, entrepreneurs are using this platform to make money. So how they earn! If you have a decent amount of viewers on your channel, YouTube will pay you per views. The amount varies from channel to channel, country to country. But this is another topic to discuss, which I'll cover another day. You can also earn by running Ads on your channel, by promoting others, or by Affiliate marketing. And obviously by selling your own products.


This is the way to make money. No matter what kind of business it is, it always sell something. Some sells physical products like ornaments or clothes, some sells services like website design and maintenance, security services etc. So no matter what you do, until you manage to turn your viewers into your your clients, you can't expect to rely fully on your business. 


  1. Thanks for the information..It is very inspiring.I have been working from home. I am was searching for more ways of how to make money online and glad to have found your post. Thanks for great sharing its very helpful for everyone !

    Earn Money Instagram


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